A+ (220-902) Domain 1: Windows Operating Systems
A+ (220-902) Domain 1: Windows Operating Systems Course
Expert Jason Manibog
This course will cover both features and installation practices for the four Windows operating systems on this edition of A+: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. An emphasis is placed on features one can access through the Control Panel. Then, the focus will turn to installing Windows and the methods used to install Windows (DVD, Pre-Built Images, and network installations, among others). This course will also cover command line tools and graphical user interface (GUI) tools used as utilities in Windows. From there, the attention will shift to Windows networking and Windows maintenance procedures. This course thoroughly covers the objectives in the Windows Operating Systems domain on the A+ 220-902 exam. ____________________________________________________ Included with the purchase of this course is a project workbook. With 215 pages of practice exercises consisting of hands-on labs, conceptual design exercises, and troubleshooting exercises, all with the purpose of sharpening your skills in preparation for the A+ 220-902 exam. The workbook maps directly to the video portion of this course, making it easy for you to get the right kind of training and practice for each exam objective.
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