Business Ethics on the Job
Business Ethics on the Job
Expert Human Relations Media
The age-old “golden rule”—to treat others the way you would like to be treated—continues to be the cornerstone of ethical behavior. Seven essential business ethics that people should understand include integrity, loyalty, honesty, responsibility, empathy, confidentiality, and respect. In today’s competitive world, it is more essential than ever that people set themselves apart from the crowd. Business Ethics on the Job is designed to aid in the understanding of the basic ethics necessary for successful employment. By advising students of the fundamentals of business ethics, educators are preparing students for a long, fruitful, and enjoyable career.
Explain the importance of behaving ethically on the job
Articulate and understand your own moral values and apply them to the working world
Recognize the value of treating others with respect
Understand how loyalty to an employer benefits both the workplace and themselves
Realize the importance of honesty in business
Understand that taking on extra responsibility at times is part of a career
See the benefit of analyzing a situation from other perspectives
Decide what information can be discussed on the job and what should be kept confidential
Handle ethical dilemmas on the job with confidence
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